Category Archives: News
Released: FSX Bell 222A
Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations is pleased to announce the release of the Bell 222A for Microsoft Flight Simulator X (use in Lockheed Martin Prepar3D is allowed). Started by Alan Devins in 2006 as a follow up project to his original FS2002/FS2004 … Continue reading
Released: Grumman E1B Tracer
Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations is pleased to announce the release of its second co-op project, the Grumman E1B Tracer. The E1B was a community project we helped to complete. We upgraded the model, which was originally for FS2004, to a complete … Continue reading
Released: Grumman S2F-3 Tracker
Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations is pleased to announce the release of its first co-op project, the Grumman S2F-3. The S2F-3 was a community project we helped to complete. We upgraded the model, which was originally for FS2004, to a complete FSX … Continue reading
Official TeamSpeak Server now Live!
Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations now operates its own TeamSpeak server! Come talk with developers or other members of the community. Visit this forum post for more details and for the server address.
Released: FS2004 Enstrom 280FX
We are pleased to announce the release of our Enstrom 280FX for FS2004! This add-on will be available for download shortly. For more information, click here.
Prepar3D Discussion Subforum Now Open
ERS is pleased to announce the launch of a discussion subforum for Prepar3D. We realize that Prepar3D may be the future flight simulation platform that could potentially replace FSX. We want to give any helicopter enthusiasts who use Prepar3D a … Continue reading
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! We look forward to sharing announcements about new projects coming in 2012. Stay tuned!
Merry Christmas from ERS
We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year! Hover Safe!
If you wish to donate to Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations, send whatever amount is comfortable for you to us via paypal:
Released: FSX Bell 206B III Paintkit
For those that want to create some liveries or add specular maps and alpha channels to older FS9 liveries, an official FSX specific paintkit is now available.